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About Us.

How can we make a difference?

What good will it be if all meats were the same?

Our products will improve continuously and without end,

and hopefully your tastebuds can attest.

Our Raison D'être

Our passion should make a difference


And should we fail and you feel unhappy, gently tell the story of the unhappiness;
Let us consider the context of how we did so bad;
Let us learn and improve and reinstate our Raison Dê'tre,
as our Reason for Being brings to you our promise to fulfil,
and aim to exceed expectation as best man can.

Windmill Brown

It is here where the lamb on our menu have grazed on fragrant fynbos & Karoobossie in the Carnarvon District.

The Heart of the Vast Inland Basin known as the Karoo has numerous little towns.  Along the highland plateau of the Upper Karoo route from Calvinia to Victoria West lies a beautiful landscape of the Northern Cape.  This area is covered by vast sheep and game farms on the plains toward the koppies and mountains such as the Karee mountains.
The Karoo is best defined by the vegetation - assorted succulents and low scrub bushes.  Karoo means Land of Thirst.  Yet, it is on the very same land that colourful daisies bloom in spring, and also where Karoo lamb feed on indigenous and palatable shrubs, fragrant fynbos and Karoobossies, bringing an aromatic taste of herbs to Karoo lamb meat.
Windmill Brown

Our Food Policy

There is food,
then there is meat;
they are not to be confused
with one another;

and meat is red
and even rich and dark;
just as a good
Cabernet Sauvignon;

and they are not the same;
Yet all are one
and not apart in the palate.

Our Core Values

The humblest fresh roll can be
your French viennoiserie pastry;
inspired by the shape
of the Austrian kipferl -
you know these croissants
and rolls alike and indulge;
you may need salt & pepper,
or Arabica;
when only Robusta is on display,
yet, when considering the forest
and not the tree,
they all bring
joy and happiness to your soul.

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